We don’t just specialize in your outdoor yard, we’ve also got a wealth of knowledge on house plants. Learn how to successfully grow beautiful house plants with the articles below.

How Much Soil for 5 Gallon Pot? [Explained]
As a gardener, you know that soil is one of the most expensive parts of gardening because we use it all the time, so it can be stressful when you

Can You Reuse Soil From a Dead Plant? [Explained]
Losing a plant is always a sad event, especially when you’ve been tending to it for a while. Now you have a whole container filled with soil and no plant.

Is Bougainvillea Poisonous to Cats? [Read On!]
If you’re a cat owner and considering adding some colorful bougainvillea plants to your home or garden, it’s essential to know whether or not these plants are toxic to your

How to Add Grit to Soil [3 Effective Methods!]
Grit is a crucial addition to soil, especially for plants that require well-draining soil. It helps to improve the structure of the soil, allowing water and air to flow more

How to Save an Orchid with Root Rot [Prevent & Treat!]
Orchids are beautiful and delicate plants, they add a touch of class to any home or garden. However, even with proper care, orchids can sometimes fall victim to root rot.

Do Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees Produce Fruit? [It’s Not Easy!]
Fiddle-leaf fig trees (Ficus lyrata) are a popular type of indoor plant known for their large, glossy leaves and attractive appearance. Originating from the warm climates of West Africa, these

Can You Reuse Soil With Root Rot? [Sterilizing Soil]
Root rot is one of those plant diseases that strike fear into any gardener’s heart, as this can often spell death for your precious plant. Now you’re down a plant,
Is Zucchini Juice Good for Plants? [Explained]
With its vibrant green hue and mellow taste, zucchini is my favorite summer squash and is always easily found in gardens and farmers’ markets. Not only does this vegetable make

Is Kingsford Charcoal Ash Good For Plants? [Explained]
Kingsford charcoal ash has long been a debate among gardeners and farmers. Some swear by its benefits for plants, while others caution against using it in the garden. So, what’s

Is Kangen Water Good for Plants? [Explained]
Maintaining a garden can be tough, particularly if you’re taking care of different types of plants simultaneously. You have to be mindful of the nourishment they need to grow beautifully.