Hydrangeas are one of the most common outdoor house plants available. Having dealt with hydrangeas for over 10 years, we’ve got a few useful tips to share.

What Side of the House Do You Plant Hydrangeas? [Essential Reading!]
So you’ve decided to treat yourself to a beautiful new hydrangea; how exciting! When you have got your new plant friend home, and you’re ready to plant, the first thing

7 Pictures Of Hydrangea Leaf Problems [Common Issues!]
Hydrangeas are old-fashioned garden plants that seem to be undergoing a revival. Many experienced gardeners are rediscovering these gems while many younger gardeners are learning how hydrangeas can provide some

Hydrangeas: A Care Guide Not To Miss!
With their large ruffled leaves and round clusters of tiny flowers, hydrangeas are a shrub that makes their presence known in a garden. We don’t blame you for being curious

How to Prune Your Hydrangea [Our Step by Step Guide]
Pruning is a key part of any shrub maintenance, and hydrangeas are no exception. We know, however, that tackling a bush of this size can be daunting, so what is

How to Revive Your Hydrangea Plant [This Works!]
We’ve all had the heartbreaking experience of seeing a beloved plant withering before our eyes, which can be very stressful. Luckily, if this happens with your hydrangeas, there may be

Why is My Hydrangea Wilting? [This Is How You Fix It!]
What is more lovely on a hot summer’s day than to look out on your garden and see the bobbing blooms of a beautiful hydrangea decorating your garden? Nothing! However,

Hydrangea Leaves Turning Brown? The 5 Likely Reasons & Fixes!
Hydrangeas are an outstanding blooming bush that makes a significant impact in any garden. They are easy to grow and maintain, making them great for beginner gardeners. However, one issue