Succulents are fast becoming one of the most popular choices of plant. Enjoy our in-depth care guides and general tips & tricks from our succulent expert Claire.

How to Get Rid of Mealybugs on Succulents [Causes & Remedies]
Wondering how to get rid of mealybugs on succulent plants? You have come to the right page! Get rid of mealybugs on succulents by wiping down the leaves with either

How Long Does It Take For Cactus To Grow?
Most people buy their cactus plants from a small size because growing one from seed takes quite a long time. Even once it has sprouted, when growing a cactus, you

Why is My Aloe Plant Drooping? [12 Reasons & Fixes!]
Aloes make excellent houseplants because they are generally very forgiving. Aloes do not need a lot of water and only need moderate light. Despite their hardiness though, sometimes they start

Do You Water Aloe Vera From Top or Bottom? [Key Tip!]
Stop asking how often do you water aloe vera and start asking how to best water aloe vera. These succulents are known to be resilient and ideal for first-time plant

Why Are Succulents So Popular? Here’s 9 Reasons Why!
There are many reasons why succulents have become so popular over recent years. Firstly, they make ideal houseplants because they are low-maintenance. They also require minimal watering. Plus, their appearance

Do Succulents Need To Drain? [Grow Healthy Succulents]
Many new succulent growers ask the question, do succulents need to drain? The simple answer is yes. Succulents really hate sitting in water and need to dry out in between

Dolphin Succulents: 10 Tips On How To Grow & Care For String of Dolphins
String of Dolphins (Senecio peregrinus) is an endearing trailing succulent ideal for hanging baskets. If you look at it closely, the leaves resemble pods of leaping dolphins. Hence its name.

How To Propagate Succulents: An In-Depth Guide for Beginners
If you love growing succulents and want to increase your own collection, you can propagate new plants from the ones you already have. Propagation is a relatively simple way of

Our Favorite 16 Succulents That Grow Tall.. Really Tall!
Most people don’t think that succulents can grow tall. But, you would be surprised to learn that there are many varieties that can grow up to enormous heights. The majority

How To Propagate Succulents With Honey
Did you know that you can use honey as a rooting aid for your succulent cuttings? Natural, raw honey has some amazing properties that will help your succulents root faster.