Lavender Planters: Choosing The Right Pot & Growing Tips

lavender planters

Lavender is a beautiful plant that shows off a brilliant display of vibrant blue or purple flowers year after year. But if it isn’t taken care of

To give your lavender plant the best chance at flourishing in a pot, choose a ceramic or terra cotta pot with good drainage and plenty of space for the roots. You should move your plant inside during the winter, but be sure to provide it with plenty of sunlight and just enough (not too much!) water.

In this article, we’ll go over how to choose the right pot for your lavender plant, what to look for, and how to care for your plant once you’ve potted it. We’ll also discuss troubleshooting tips if you find your lavender plant isn’t thriving.

Does Lavender Grow Well in Pots?

There are a few varieties of lavender, like English lavender, that can survive outdoors in the winter. But not every plant can do this! If you want your lavender to return and bloom next year, you need to transfer that plant into a pot and keep it indoors where you can control the amount of water and sunlight it receives.

Lavender in pots is a sensible way to go, as long as they have the appropriate growing conditions, like plenty of sunlight, well-draining soil, and the occasional watering. They’re a relatively drought-resistant plant and can handle a bit of neglect, but you’ll still want to regularly maintain them, even when they’re inside.

Lavender in Pots: What To Go For?

It can be difficult to know where to start when looking for the proper pot or planter for your lavender. From metal to ceramic pots, which ones will provide the right environment for your plant to flourish? There are pros and cons to each pot material, so check out this chart to get a better idea of the best pot for lavender:

Pot Material Pros Cons
Glazed Ceramic ●     Hold up well to severe temperature changes like freezing

●     They look great

●     They last a very long time

●     Easily broken

●     Heavy and difficult to move

●     More expensive than other options

Terra Cotta ●     Beautiful, neutral color

●     Absorb moisture when watering, great for plants that need good drainage

●     Less expensive option than glazed ceramic

●     Not tolerant to colder temperatures

●     More expensive than plastic/metal pots

●     Easily broken if dropped

Plastic ●     Able to withstand extreme temperatures

●     Inexpensive compared to other options

●     Won’t break if dropped

●     Not as long-lasting as other varieties can eventually become brittle

●     If painted, the paint can eventually chip off after some time.



●     Durable and won’t easily break

●     Generally lightweight and portable

●     Relatively inexpensive

●     Can tend to overheat when left in the sun, which can burn your plants

The material you choose to plant your pot in is up to you, but we recommend a terra cotta or ceramic pot, mainly for its ability to absorb excess water away from the roots, as well as its wide availability and affordable price.

What Should I Look for in a Lavender Pot?

Beyond the material of the pot itself, there are a few main characteristics that you should seek out when choosing your planter pot so that you give your lavender plant the best chance of survival. Whether you’re keeping your plant in a pot year-round or just in the wintertime, make sure you check off the following features:

  • Drainage: This is probably the most important factor in determining the right pot for your lavender plant. Lavender needs quick-draining soil and a pot that will easily drain away any excess water. Without proper drainage, you run the risk of your plant developing root rot. Choose a pot with a hole in the bottom, but avoid using a separate tray to contain the excess drained water, since it will just pool in the bottom of the pot.
  • Give your plant some space: While there are some plants that enjoy being tightly packed into a small space or near other plants, lavender is different. It needs a good amount of space to provide air circulation and plenty of room for the roots to develop. Pot about 12-16 inches in diameter is a good size that gives your plant plenty of room.
Grow Your Yard Tip
Consider raising your pot off the ground or choosing one with “feet” to allow the water to fully drain, instead of pooling at the bottom of the pot. This will give your plant’s roots space without drowning them.

How to Care for Your Potted Lavender Plant

Proper care of your lavender plant doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. As long as you know the basics of how to keep your plant healthy and thriving, you can easily maintain its health year-round.

  1. Choose a pot that’s the right size and material. It should be at least 12 inches in diameter, depending on the size of your plant, and made of a material that will help wick away moisture, like a terra cotta planter.
  2. Plant your lavender in quick-draining soil. Choose a sandy loam, mulch, clay, or soil suitable for cacti, as these kinds of soil will drain excess water away. You should also choose soil with a low level of fertilizer as too much can cause your plant’s foliage to grow, but not the blooms.
    Pack the soil tightly, leaving about an inch or two at the top of the pot, and then top with mulch around the base of the plant to assist in drainage.
  3. Water your plant sparingly, especially in winter. Lavender plants are drought-resistant and especially susceptible to root rot, so being careful with the amount of water you give it is crucial. Do not water your plants on a schedule! instead, pay attention to when the soil has become dry, and only water it then. Seriously, even if the soil is just damp, leave it alone, no matter how much you’re itching to water it!
  4. Remember to regularly prune your lavender. Pruning is a surefire way to encourage growth during the next growing season. Simply clip away any flowers that have died off with a pair of pruning shears.

DON’T MISS: Are lavender plants annuals or perennials? Find out here!


How deep should a lavender pot be?

Lavender plants are drought-hardy and resilient plants if they have enough room to develop a strong root system. A pot about 12-16 inches in diameter and around a foot deep will give your lavender plant plenty of room to grow.

Why is my potted lavender dying?

If your lavender plant is struggling or dying, there are several things you can do to help it. The two most common reasons that your lavender plant may be dying are too much water and not enough sunlight.

Lavender plants need lots of light, around 6 hours a day. If you’re keeping your lavender plant indoors, you need to keep it near a window that receives a lot of sunlight during the day. in the warmer months, you should try to keep it outside in direct sunlight as much as possible.

You may also be overwatering your lavender, which is a huge problem and more likely to occur in the winter. During the winter months when the sun is not evaporating the water from the soil, even a little bit of excess water could spell disaster. You should really only be watering your lavender plant once the soil becomes completely dry – in the winter this could mean only watering once or twice a month.

How many lavender plants can I grow in one pot?

You should really only keep one lavender plant in each pot since they prefer space to provide for better air circulation. It’s also easier to control the amount of water going to each plant if you only have one per pot.

What size pot for lavender?

The size of pot you’ll need for lavender depends on the variety and age of the plant. For young plants, a 4-inch (10 cm) pot is typically sufficient. Mature plants may need a pot that’s 6 inches (15 cm) or larger in diameter.


Of all the things to think about when planting lavender, the kind of pot you use seems to be low on the priority list. But it shouldn’t be; in fact, choosing the right pot is a vital step in caring for your plant year-round.

But more important than the kind of pot you choose is the correct care and maintenance of your plant, especially if you’re bringing your lavender plant indoors for the duration of the winter. Proper pruning, watering, and exposure to sunlight will keep your lavender plant healthy and thriving into the next growing season!