Do Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees Produce Fruit? [It’s Not Easy!]

do fiddle leaf fig trees produce fruit

Fiddle-leaf fig trees (Ficus lyrata) are a popular type of indoor plant known for their large, glossy leaves and attractive appearance.

Originating from the warm climates of West Africa, these plants are revered for their versatility to survive in various lighting conditions, thus making them a favored option among indoor gardens and houseplant enthusiasts, enthusiasts that love a challenge, that is!

Many people have one question: Do fiddle leaf fig trees produce fruit?

Yes, fiddle-leaf fig trees can produce fruit, but it is relatively uncommon for them to do so indoors. In their natural habitat, fiddle-leaf fig trees are known to produce small, edible fruits that are green or purple and have a sweet, fig-like taste. 

Despite their allure, fiddle leaf fig trees require specific conditions to yield fruit that are difficult to re-create indoors.

Do Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees Produce Fruit

If your tree’s stubborn and not producing fruit, it could be attributed to the lack of light – these tropical trees require a lot of bright and indirect sunlight. Their native environment gives them access to this light year-round, but when grown indoors, they may not receive enough.

Conversely, indoor spaces usually do not possess adequate light for the cultivation of fruit. If you aim to encourage your fiddle leaf fig tree to bear fruits, it is vital that it receives enough lighting – from a window or artificial grow lights.

How Temperature Affects Fruit Growth

Another important factor that can impact the ability of a fiddle-leaf fig tree to produce fruit is temperature.

Fiddle-leaf figs thrive in tropical temperatures, so if your area gets too hot or too cold for extended periods, it might be difficult for them to bear fruit.

To encourage fruit production, it is vital to maintain a consistent temperature range of between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Humidity Requirements

In addition to light and temperature, fiddle-leaf fig trees also require a certain amount of humidity in order to produce fruit.

To keep their leaves lush and fruitful, fiddle-leaf fig trees are accustomed to high humidity levels in the wild.

Indoor environments, on the other hand, are often much drier, which can make it difficult for fiddle-leaf fig trees to produce fruit.

To increase the humidity around your fiddle leaf fig tree, you can use a humidifier or put the plant on a tray with pebbles and water.

Not An Easy Plant to Fruit!

It is worth noting that even if you can provide your fiddle leaf fig tree with the right combination of light, temperature, and humidity, it is still possible that it may not produce fruit.

Fiddle-leaf fig trees are known to be somewhat fussy when it comes to fruit production, and there is no guarantee that any given tree will produce fruit, even under optimal conditions.

What You Should Do If Your Plant Does Fruit

If your fiddle leaf fig tree produces fruit, removing the fruits as soon as they are ripe is essential. This will ensure that the plant’s energy is focused on making healthy leaves rather than creating more fruit.

It can also help keep the tree’s weight in balance and prevent it from becoming top-heavy and tipping over.

The fruits of the fiddle leaf fig tree may be edible, but I wouldn’t say they’re tasty! However, in my experience, they make an amazing addition to a salad!

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the difference between a fig tree and a fiddle leaf fig tree?

A fig tree is a type of fruit tree native to Southwest Asia, while a fiddle leaf fig tree is an indoor plant known for its large, shiny leaves. Fig trees produce edible fruits, while fiddle-leaf fig trees rarely do so indoors.

Do fiddle leaves grow figs?

Fiddle-leaf fig trees can produce small, edible fruits, which is relatively uncommon indoors. To encourage fruit production, your fiddle leaf fig tree should be exposed to plenty of bright light and consistent temperatures between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The humidity levels in the environment should also be kept high.

To Sum Up

In summary, fiddle-leaf fig trees can produce fruit, but it is relatively uncommon for them to do so indoors.

In order to encourage fruit production, it is important to provide your fiddle leaf fig tree with plenty of bright, indirect light, maintain a consistent temperature range of between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and increase the humidity around the plant.

However, even with these conditions, it is still possible that your fiddle leaf fig tree may not produce fruit.

It’s not easy, but I urge you to have a go! I can’t say I’ve had huge success with this, but it can be done!