As a gardener, there is nothing more satisfying than raiding your vegetable plot or herb garden for a few ingredients for the meal you’re preparing. We’ve got loads of awesome tips to help you grow your own produce.

How to Keep Cucumbers Fresh [With or Without a Refrigerator]
Uncut cucumbers are best kept outside of the refrigerator because they are sensitive to cold temperatures. Once cut, wrap them in a paper towel and keep inside an airtight ziplock

Do Cucumbers Need Full Sun? [Learn The Growing Sweetspot]
Cucumber plants grow the most cucumbers when kept in full sun but that doesn’t meant that they cannot grow in partial shade. As long as they receive an average of

How Much Sun Do Cucumbers Need?
Cucumbers grow best in full sun and warm temperatures between 65-80 degrees Fahrenheit. Ideally, they get 6 hours of sunlight every day. The phrase cool as a cucumber doesn’t really

Why Are My Cucumbers Yellow? [The 4 Likely Causes]
Cucumbers turning yellow is a sign that they are either over ripe, over watered, lacking nutrients or diseased. Unless they are a yellow variety, yellowing cucumbers are no longer safe

When Should You Start Cucumber Seeds Indoors?
April is the best time to start cucumber seeds indoors. This gives the warm weather plant enough time to soak up the spring and summer sun. They can then be

How To Grow Tomatoes: A Beginners Complete Guide
Tomatoes are a common feature of many diets and recipes. And it can be quite rewarding to eat tomatoes you grew yourself, especially since tomatoes aren’t challenging to grow. Growing

Epsom Salt for Tomatoes: How and Why They’re Amazing for Tomatoes!
Perhaps you know Epsom salt only for the many ailments it can cure. However, it can also be used in the garden and does wonders for tomatoes. Epsom salt is

4 Effective Techniques to Get Rid of Tomato Hornworms!
Tomato hornworms are perhaps the biggest caterpillars around. With an appetite to match their size, these green creatures can defoliate and kill a tomato plant in days if you don’t

How to Dry Basil Leaves: Our In-Depth Guide & 4 Great Methods!
You can dry basil leaves at home using a dehydrator, oven, microwave or simply air dry. Follow this in-depth guide on how to best preserve fresh basil leaves. Who doesn’t

How to Grow Basil Indoors [Tips for Cuttings & Seeds!]
You don’t need green fingers to know how to grow basil indoors. It is one of the easiest kitchen herbs to grow yourself as long as you give it lots