Looking into growing your own herbs? That’s great news.. and you’re in the right place. Our resident herb expert Sophia will teach you everything you need to know, from beginner guides to the more advanced tips.

How to Dry Basil Leaves: Our In-Depth Guide & 4 Great Methods!
You can dry basil leaves at home using a dehydrator, oven, microwave or simply air dry. Follow this in-depth guide on how to best preserve fresh basil leaves. Who doesn’t

How to Grow Basil Indoors [Tips for Cuttings & Seeds!]
You don’t need green fingers to know how to grow basil indoors. It is one of the easiest kitchen herbs to grow yourself as long as you give it lots

German Chamomile vs Roman Chamomile: What’s the Difference?
German chamomile is a branching stem flowering plant while Roman chamomile is a single stem flowering plant. When found as an ingredient in beauty products or supplements there is no

How to Grow Mint Indoors [Our Easy Steps!]
If you envision your kitchen to be full of herbs but have never grown herbs before then mint is your friend. Once it starts growing it does not seem to

What Herbs Can Be Planted Together? [Learn About Companion Planting]
Herbs are relatively easy plants to take care of and many make for ideal companion planting. As long as the herbs have similar ideal growing conditions (which many do) you