Learn how to avoid the abundance of inevitable problems you’ll come up against when your gardening. From pests, weeds and general issues, we’ve got you covered with our extensive guides and recommended products.

How To Dispose of Roundup Safely [4 Important Steps]
During the summer months, we all enjoy a bit of yard work, and with that, comes the inevitable battle with the yearly weeds. There are hundreds of weed killing products

Is Wandering Jew Poisonous to Cats? [Explained]
Is wandering jew toxic to cats? Yes, Wandering jew is a midly toxic plant for cats and other pets. Although it is generally not life-threatening, cats that consume the sap

Is Botrytis Harmful to Humans? Our Top Prevention Tips!
Botrytis cinerea, also known as grey mold, is generally not dangerous to humans but it could cause a respiratory allergic reaction in some. The allergic reaction is also referred to