Scotts Ultrafeed vs. Green Max: What’s The Difference?

scotts ultrafeed vs green max

If you’re looking for a great lawn food to create that perfect lawn, you’ve got a lot of options to choose from! Scott’s produces all kinds of excellent lawn fertilizer, but today, it’s Scotts Ultrafeed vs. Green Max. Which one is the best!?

Scotts Ultrafeed vs. Green Max, which one is best? Scotts Ultrafeed is fast acting, containing an NPK ratio of 40-0-5, while Scotts Green Max is a dual-action formula with an NPK ratio of 27-0-2.

Let’s get a bit more detailed; I’ll compare the two products to help you decide which one, if either, to go for!

Scotts Ultrafeed vs. Green Max: Which One For You?

Scotts Ultrafeed and Scotts Green Max are both, in their own rights, some of the best lawn fertilizers on the market, but what’s the difference?

Scotts Ultrafeed is a longer-lasting way to feed your lawn and keep it healthy. It’s fast acting, which is great, but you’ll need to allow up to 6 months between applications, so there might be better solutions for the hands-on homeowner.

Scotts Green Max Lawn Food would tick that box, as you can apply it every 6-8 weeks.

Scotts Green Max Lawn Food is also a fast-acting dual-action formula; it’ll only take 3-5 days for your lawn to turn that fantastic deep green color, ready for some fresh striping to be mowed in!

One of the reasons Scotts Green Max Lawn Food can green so quickly is because it contains 5% iron; this helps the greening process speed along due to the micro-nutrient. The NPK ratio (Nitrogen, Phosphorus & Potassium) is 27-0-2, and Scotts Ultrafeed is a much denser 40-0-5.

What Does Scotts UltraFeed Do

Scotts Ultrafeed is a more concentrated formula containing an NPK ratio of 40-0-5. This larger dose of NPK means fewer applications per year.

Unlike Scotts Green Max Lawn Food, Scotts UltraFeed has no iron content, which means it won’t turn your lawn green as quickly, but it will provide your lawn with all it needs to keep healthy such as Nitrogen and Phosphorous.

This type of fertilizer is best for those who want long-lasting feed for their lawn, making fewer trips to the store for refills!

What Does Scotts Green Max Do

Scotts Green Max is a dual-action fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 27-0-2 and 5% iron.

This formula will give your lawn a deep green color in 3-5 days, so if you’re after instant gratification, this is the best choice.

The downside to Scotts Green Max is that it needs to be applied more frequently than Scotts UltraFeed, typically every 6-8 weeks. It’s also a bit pricier in comparison due to the iron content and shorter-lasting results.

How Long Does Scotts UltraFeed Last?

Scotts Ultrafeed has a much longer-lasting effect than Scotts Green Max; it typically lasts 6 months, giving you plenty of time to plan your next application!

How Long Does Scotts Green Max Last?

Scotts Green Max’s effect is shorter than Scotts UltraFeed; it typically lasts up to 8 weeks, so you’ll need to plan a regular application schedule.

Scotts Ultrafeed vs. Green Max: Price Comparison

There is a price difference, but it’s nothing major. At the time of writing, you’re looking at around $40 for Scotts Ultrafeed and between $50-$60 for Scotts Green Max.

If you’re looking to pick up either of them, I’ll put a couple of links below.

Scotts Ultrafeed
  • Scotts Turf Builder Ultrafeed fertilizer provides fast greening and...
  • Lawn fertilizer ultilizes Scotts Secure Nutrients, a coated, patented...
  • Apply to a wet or dry lawn in the spring to early summer for warm-season...
  • This lawn care product can be used on all grass types
  • One 20 lb. bag of Scotts Turf Builder Ultrafeed covers up to 8,889 sq. ft.
Scotts Green Max
  • Scotts Green Max Lawn Food is a dual-action fertilizer and iron formula...
  • This lawn care product contains 5% iron, a micronutrient that enhances the...
  • Apply this fertilizer plus iron supplement to any grass type in the spring,...
  • Guaranteed not to stain concrete, driveways, or other surfaces surrounding...
  • One 33.33 lb. bag of Scotts Green Max Lawn Food covers 10,000 sq. ft.

Should You Water After Applying Scotts Fertilizer?

The timing of watering in fertilizer can vary between products, some are immediately after, and others can be days.

Scotts Ultrafeed: This doesn’t have to be watered in; however, I’d recommend a light watering directly after application.

Scotts Green Max: Water in for 20 minutes daily for the first 7 days unless you get a good amount of rainfall.

It’s important to note you need to check the weather before planning any fertilizer applications. If you’re due heavy rain, or even snowfall, wait until its passed before fertilizer, as this will likely wash away the fertilizer.

How To Apply Scotts Fertilizer

Scotts UltraFeed:

1. Prepare the area for application by mowing your lawn and raking any debris away;

2. Apply evenly across the entire lawn, using a broadcast spreader;

3. After application, water in deeply and thoroughly to activate the nutrients.

Scotts Green Max:

1. Prepare the area for application by mowing your lawn and raking any debris away;

2. Apply evenly across the entire lawn, using a broadcast spreader or drop spreader;

3. Water in for 20 minutes daily after application.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Will Scotts Green Max burn my lawn?

No, Scotts Green Max is designed to slowly release nutrients over a 6-8 week period, which results in no lawn burn.

Does Scotts Ultrafeed burn grass?

No, Scotts UltraFeed is designed to slowly release nutrients over a 6-month period, which makes it very unlikely for your grass to burn.


I hope that’s helped you!

In summary, if you’re looking for longer-lasting lawn food then Ultrafeed is the way to go. But, if you’re after a lawn fertilizer that works a lot quicker but does need more applications, Green Max is your best bet.

Whichever one you go for, they’re both excellent products that come with a reasonable price tag. Remember to lightly water the fertilizer in for 5-7 days after application, then sit back and enjoy the questions from your neighbors on how you’ve got such a beautiful lawn!