Where Do Ladybugs Live? [Nesting & Life Habits]

where do ladybugs live

Ladybugs are some of the most beloved insects in the world. These small, spotted creatures are often considered to be harbingers of good luck, and many people enjoy watching them flutter about. But where do ladybugs live? And what do they do when they’re not charming humans? What do you do if you find them in your home?

Ladybugs can be found all over the world, but they tend to prefer warm environments. They live in a variety of habitats, including forests, meadows, gardens, and even around buildings. They are often found where their main food source, aphids, are found.

In this article, we’ll go over where and when you’re most likely to see a ladybug, as well as what it could mean for your garden. We’ll also discuss what to do if you find yourself with a ladybug infestation.

What types of Ladybugs are there?

When you think of a ladybug, the first image to come to your mind is likely of a small red beetle with seven black spots. But did you know that there are over 5,000 different kinds of ladybugs around the world, all with their own colors and spot patterns? Check out this chart below for a handy reference of the most common ladybug types and their descriptions, so that you can quickly and easily identify the little creature crawling in your garden.

Type of Ladybug Description Other Facts
Seven-Spotted Ladybug The most familiar ladybug, it’s red with seven black dots on its back. It’s the most common ladybug in Europe, but is quite popular in North America as well.
Convergent Lady Beetle The most common North American lady beetle, it’s got an oval shape, with a dark orange body and 12 spots on its back. It’s one of the most popular ladybugs that is used to help control aphid populations in gardens.
California Lady Beetle It has a dark orange or light red domed back and black head, with no spots at all, just one black stripe running down its back. This creature doesn’t just eat aphids, it’s also known to go after chinch bugs, asparagus beetle larvae, alfalfa weevils, and grape rootworm
Pink Spotted Lady Beetle Unlike most other ladybugs, this type has an oblong and rather flat body, with a soft pinkish-red body and 6 blotchy black markings on each side This ladybug is commonly used to help control the Colorado potato beetle population.
Grow Your Yard Tip
Just as it’s important to be able to identify a ladybug that’s helpful to your garden, it’s even more important to identify the kinds of ladybugs you can do without. The Asian lady beetle looks very similar to common ladybugs, but it’s an invasive species in the United States, and they’re known to bite and cause allergic reactions in some people. It’s also harmful to dogs. Asian lady beetles are usually a dark orange color with black spots and a trademark white “M”-shaped marking on its head.

Where do Ladybugs Live?

Ladybugs can be found in many different parts of the world. Some ladybugs live in forests, while others live in fields or gardens. Ladybugs that live in forests tend to be a darker color, while ladybugs that live in other areas are typically a lighter color. Ladybugs can be spotted in a variety of habitats both inside and outside of houses. They  like to live in warm, dry places where they can find food.

While you may only see one or two lady bugs at a time, they aren’t solitary creatures. Ladybugs built colonies in dark, moist places with built-in protection, like rotting logs and underneath rocks in the forest. These colonies may contain thousands upon thousands of ladybugs!

When ladybugs go to hibernate in the winter, they may stay in their colonies if it provides adequate protection from the elements. But some may find their way inside to your house for protection. It’s not uncommon to find a few ladybugs inside during the fall and early winter, but if you see several at once, you may have an infestation on your hands.

Will ladybugs harm your home or garden?

There is a lot of conflicting information on the internet about ladybugs. Some people say they are harmful to plants, while others claim they are beneficial. So, what’s the truth? Are they harmful to your plants? Will they damage your home in some way?

Luckily, you don’t have to worry about ladybugs roaming about in your garden. Ladybugs are actually beneficial to gardens and homes. They eat aphids, which are pests that can damage plants. Ladybugs also produce a chemical that kills other pests. In other words, unless you have a large number of ladybugs living in your house and causing an infestation, you can relax and enjoy them!

How to treat a ladybug infestation

Under normal circumstances, many people consider seeing a ladybug during their day to be lucky. Ladybugs are not harmful to humans, and they are actually quite helpful in the garden, since they eat common pests like aphids that pose a threat to our plants. But if you find yourself with more than a few ladybugs indoors, you’ll soon be wondering how to get rid of these crawly creatures before they completely overrun your home. Try following a few of these tips to rid yourself of a ladybug infestation before it grows beyond your control.

  1. Sweep or vacuum the ladybugs away.
  2. Spray the colony with a solution of dish soap and water.
  3. Put an LED light inside of a bottle, and place a funnel in the bottle’s opening. The light will attract the ladybugs, but they’ll be trapped inside the bottle, so you can easily move them outside.
  4. Lavender, lemon, and cloves all help to deter ladybugs, so you can either keep lemons and lavender plants around your house, or you can use an essential oil spray to keep the bugs at bay.
  5. If natural remedies aren’t cutting it, you can turn to chemical repellent and bug traps. There is a wide variety of traps and repellents on the market today, but only consider using them if you can safely keep kids and pets away.
  6. Contact a professional. If the ladybugs have gotten out of control, the best thing that you can do is contact a pest control specialist who can use their tools, experience, and training to get rid of the problem for you.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why do ladybugs come into my home?

Ladybugs are a beneficial insect that helps to control pests in gardens and landscapes. They sometimes find their way into homes, but they are not harmful. Ladybugs usually enter homes through open windows or doors, or they may be brought in on flowers or plants.

Where do ladybugs go in the winter?

Ladybugs are often welcomed into homes during the colder months for their ability to eat pests like aphids. Many people, however, don’t understand why the ladybugs seem to disappear after a while. The reason is that ladybugs hibernate in the winter. They find sheltered places in which to hibernate and will often enter homes if there is an opening.

Are ladybugs dangerous to humans?

Fortunately, ladybugs do not usually cause any harm to humans. They’re normally considered quite harmless, although if they are threatened they may pinch or bite, and they might release a smelly fluid to ward off predators. . In some rare cases, some humans can also have allergic reactions to their bite, and show symptoms like redness, swelling, and itchy skin.

If you know that you tend to have allergic reactions around ladybugs, it’s always a safer option to handle them with gloved hands, or repel them from your house altogether by using spray repellents, or planting flowers like mums that help deter them naturally.

When are ladybugs most active?

Ladybugs are most active in the spring and summer during the daytime, especially during the morning and afternoon. They feed on aphids and other small insects, so they are helpful in keeping gardens and crops free of pests. During the fall and winter, ladybugs hibernate in groups on trees or in buildings.


Ladybugs can be found all over the world, but their natural habitats are forests and gardens. They like to live in areas that have a lot of plants, and they usually stay close to the ground. Ladybugs are beneficial insects, and they play an important role in the environment.

Ladybugs can be a gardener’s best friend and a sign of a healthy garden, but they can also become a nuisance if they take up residence in your home. If you’ve got an infestation, take the time to identify the species of ladybug take the appropriate steps to get rid of them. With a little knowledge and some basic supplies, you can take care of this problem on your own. But if you’re lucky enough to have them in your garden, enjoy them while they’re there!