Banana Peel Fertilizer: Is It The BEST DIY Fertilizer?

Banana peels are high in potassium which is the primary nutrient that helps plants to bloom and set fruit. Therefore, banana peel fertilizer is one of the absolute best DIY fertilizers you can make at home.

Imagine that! Normally, we throw out our banana peels or at best, put them in the compost heap. But, after you’ve finished reading this article, you’ll look at those banana skins differently.

So, why are banana peels so good for your plants? Let’s delve into all the benefits.

Why Are Banana Peels Good For Your Plants?

As I mentioned before, bananas are high in potassium. And, as is the case with most fruit, there’s always a higher concentration of nutrients in the skins. All plants need potassium.

Potassium is essential for producing masses of blooms and fruit on your plants. Plus, it also helps your plants to move nutrients around their cells. And, it assists in photosynthesis.

Potassium also helps to strengthen the stems of your plants. Plus, it’s useful for keeping diseases at bay.

Pro Tip
If planting out bare-rooted roses, put a piece of banana skin in the bottom of the hole. This will break down over time and feed your roses with essential potassium as they start to flower. You’ll be rewarded with masses of glorious blooms!

What Other Nutrients Do Banana Peels Contain?

The skins of the humble banana also contain phosphorus, calcium, manganese, sulfur, and magnesium. All of these nutrients are essential for healthy plant growth. They assist with photosynthesis, chlorophyll production, and water uptake.

Interestingly, bananas don’t contain nitrogen. That’s exactly why banana peel fertilizer is the perfect solution for flowering and fruiting plants such as roses, tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers.

You see, nitrogen produces green plant growth. Therefore, any plant that you want to encourage to bloom or fruit doesn’t require a lot of additional nitrogen. What it does need is – you guessed it – potassium!

But rest assured, even plants that do need a lot of nitrogen will benefit from banana peel fertilizer. You see, the calcium found in banana skins helps plants to absorb more nitrogen from the soil.

Therefore, banana peel fertilizer is ideal for all the plants in your garden.

How Do You Make Banana Peel Fertilizer?

Banana skin fertilizer is super easy to make. Once you follow our recipe, you’ll wish that knew about this years ago.

Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • A one-quart mason jar complete with a lid
  • Some banana skins
  • Enough distilled water to fill the jar

Here’s How To Make The Fertilizer:

  • Put the peel from one banana into the jar.
  • Completely fill the jar with distilled water and put on the lid.
  • Let this sit for about 1 to 2 weeks. This allows the nutrients from the peel to leach out into the water.
  • Once the water has changed color, the fertilizer is ready.
  • You can now throw out the banana peel or pop it into your compost.
  • Mix the fermented fertilizer with water. The best ratio is 1 part fertilizer to 4 parts water.
  • Water your favorite plants with this concoction and watch them thrive!

Of course, you can make as much banana peel fertilizer as you want. If you want to make a larger batch, to begin with, just use a larger container and add more than 1 banana skin.

You can also have more than 1 jar going at the same time or stagger the batches to ensure that you always have some fertilizer handy when you need it.

The most important thing to remember is to never again let banana skin go to waste!

How To Use Your Home-Brewed Banana Peel Fertilizer

Once you’ve diluted the brew, water the roots of your plants at least once a week. Be consistent with this and soon you’ll see the results of your efforts.

You can even use this in any potted plants that you have. The concentration of fertilizer in your brew will get straight to the plants when they need it.

Pro Tip
If you mulch your potted plants, add some chopped-up banana skins to the top of the soil before putting on the mulch. The peels will slowly break down and release nutrients to your plants.

If you continue to water all your flowering and fruiting plants with this ‘tea’, you’ll ensure that they’ll keep producing all season long.

Pro Tip
If you leave your brew in a warm spot after removing the peel, for about a month, it will continue to ferment. This makes it ideal for acid-loving plants such as hydrangeas and blueberries.

You Can Also Use Your Banana Peel Fertilizer To Repel Aphids

It’s a known fact that aphids hate bananas. Sorry, what – you didn’t know? Well, now you do! If you spray the diluted banana peel tea onto your roses, the aphids will simply go away.

This is another reason why planting some chopped-up banana peels in the soil around your roses is so beneficial.

Pro Tip
Chop up some banana peels to use when planting seeds. Just put the seed directly onto a piece of banana skin before covering it with soil. This will give your seedlings an amazing head start in life. The phosphorus in the peel will help your seeds to germinate faster.

Make A Dried Fertilizer Powder Using Banana Peels

In addition to the banana tea that you can easily brew, you can also grind your banana skins into a fine powder fertilizer.

Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • Some banana skins
  • A baking sheet or drying rack
  • A mortar and pestle or coffee grinder

Here’s What To Do:

  • Place the chopped-up banana skins onto a baking sheet so they’re not touching.
  • Put the baking sheet into the oven on the lowest setting and let them dry completely.
  • Alternatively, put the banana skins on a drying rack in the sun and wait for them to dry.
  • Once the skins are completely dry, put them into a mortar and pestle or coffee grinder and grind them into a fine powder.
  • Put the powder into a sealed jar and store it in a cool, dry place.
Sometimes it’s easier to visualize these things, here’s a fantastic tutorial from Project Diaries on how to make your own banana peel fertilizer.

How To Use Your Powdered Banana Fertilizer

To use your powdered fertilizer, just sprinkle a couple of tablespoons around the base of your plants. Then, water the fertilizer so that it gets to the roots of your plants.

Pro Tip
If you don’t eat a lot of bananas, ask your local smoothie shop to keep some skins for you. They’re going to throw them out anyway, so you might as well put them to good use.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Which plants like banana peel fertilizer?

There are a number of plants that actually prefer banana peel fertilizer, especially if it is organic. This includes most fruits and vegetables, as well as some flowering plants. The nutrients in banana peels help to encourage healthy growth and can also help to prevent disease.

Can I directly put banana peels in my plants?

You can, but it is best to compost them first. This helps to break down the peels so that they are easier for your plants to digest. You can also chop up the peels and add them directly to your soil. This is a good way to add extra potassium to your plants.

Will banana peel fertilizer attract bugs?

No, banana peels are actually a great way to keep bugs away from your plants. The potassium in the peels helps to repel pests like aphids and spiders. You can also put the peels around the base of your plants to help keep slugs and snails away.

Final Thoughts

Banana peels are one of the best sources of potassium for your flowering or fruiting plants. Use our recipes to make your own banana peel fertilizer and you’ll have a thriving garden in no time.

Have you had good success with banana skin fertilizer? Share your stories with us in the comments below.