Do Hibiscus Like Coffee Grounds? [Yes, But There’s More..!]

Do Hibiscus Like Coffee Grounds?

This is a question that many gardeners have asked themselves at one time or another. The answer, it turns out, is a bit complicated. Hibiscus are tropical plants and do best when they’re grown in moist, well-drained soil. Coffee grounds can help to improve the soil’s drainage and add nutrients to the plant’s diet, so in theory they should be beneficial for hibiscus plants. However, too much nitrogen can actually be harmful to these plants, so it’s important not to overdo it with the coffee grounds.

So, do hibiscus like coffee grounds? Yes, hibiscus plants can’t benefit from used coffee grounds. Used coffee grounds make for an excellent fertilizer, adding in vital nutrients to soil which can enable plants, like hibiscus plants, to flourish.

In this blog post we will explore the relationship between hibiscus and coffee grounds in more detail and provide some tips on how to use coffee grounds to fertilize hibiscus plants. Stay tuned!

How To Add Coffee Grounds to Hibiscus

If you’re looking to add coffee grounds to your hibiscus plants, the best way to do it is to mix the coffee grounds into the soil. You can do this before planting or after planting. If you’re adding coffee grounds to potted hibiscus plants, be sure to mix them into the potting mix well so that the roots can benefit from the nutrients.

When adding coffee grounds to hibiscus plants, it’s important not to go overboard. A general rule of thumb is to use about two tablespoons of coffee grounds per square foot of soil. You can apply coffee grounds every few weeks or so, or whenever you notice that your hibiscus plants are looking a bit lackluster.

As we mentioned before, too much nitrogen can be harmful to hibiscus plants. If you notice that your plants are starting to yellow or their growth is stunted, it’s likely that you’re using too much coffee grounds. Cut back on the amount of coffee grounds you’re using and monitor your plants to see if there’s any improvement.

Do Coffee Grounds Make Good Fertilizer?

Coffee grounds are rich in nitrogen, which is an important nutrient for plants. Nitrogen helps plants to grow and develop new leaves and flowers. Used coffee grounds also contain other minerals, such as phosphorus and potassium, which can help to promote healthy plant growth.

Coffee grounds can also help to improve the drainage of soil and add organic matter to the soil, both of which are important for hibiscus plants. So, do coffee grounds make good fertilizer? Yes, coffee grounds can be a great addition to your hibiscus plants’ diet!

Can You Water Your Hibiscus With Coffee?

You may have heard that you can water your hibiscus with coffee. While this is technically true, it’s not something we would recommend. Coffee is quite acidic and can actually harm hibiscus plants if used too frequently.

If you do decide to water your hibiscus with coffee, be sure to dilute it well and only do it every once in a while. Too much coffee can make the soil too acidic for hibiscus plants and damage their roots.

So, there you have it! Now you know all about whether hibiscus like coffee grounds and how to use them to fertilize your plants.

DON’T MISS: Are Coffee Grounds Good for Roses?

5 Tips To Make Your Hibiscus Bloom

If you’re looking for tips to make your hibiscus flower, you’ve come to the right place! Here are a few simple tips that can help:

  • Make sure your hibiscus is getting enough sunlight. Hibiscus plants need at least six hours of sunlight per day to bloom.
  • Water your hibiscus regularly. Hibiscus plants like to be kept moist, so be sure to water them whenever the soil starts to feel dry.
  • Fertilize your hibiscus with a blooming fertilizer. This will provide the nutrients your hibiscus needs to bloom.
  • Deadhead spent flowers. Deadheading is the process of removing faded or dead flowers from a plant. This can help to encourage your hibiscus to bloom more.
  • Give your hibiscus some TLC. Hibiscus plants thrive when they’re given some extra attention. Check for pests and diseases regularly and give your plants a little boost with coffee grounds or other fertilizer every couple of weeks!

How Do You Use Coffee Grounds on Hibiscus?

It’s all well and good me telling you coffee grounds are good for your hibiscus, but how do you actually use coffee grounds!? 

Here’s my 4 favorite application methods:

  1. Composting: Add coffee grounds to your compost pile. As they break down, they’ll enrich the compost with nitrogen, which is beneficial for your hibiscus. Once the compost is ready, you can use it as a soil amendment.
  2. Direct Application as Mulch: Sprinkle a thin layer (no more than a half-inch) of coffee grounds around the base of your hibiscus plants. This can help add organic matter to the soil, suppress weeds, and retain soil moisture. However, be cautious not to let the grounds directly touch the plant stems to avoid any fungal growth.
  3. Diluted Coffee Ground Tea: Soak coffee grounds in water for a few days to create a weak tea solution. Use this to water your hibiscus plants. It will provide a gentle dose of nutrients. Make sure it’s diluted enough (it should look like weak tea) to avoid over-concentration of acids.
  4. Mixed into Potting Soil: If you’re potting or repotting a hibiscus, you can mix coffee grounds into the potting soil. A ratio of about one part coffee grounds to three parts soil should be sufficient.

And don’t forget..

  • Moderation is Key: Too much of anything can be harmful, and the same goes for coffee grounds. Use them sparingly and observe how your plant responds. If you notice any adverse effects, you might need to cut back or stop their use.
  • Avoid Fresh, Hot Coffee Grounds: Always use cooled, used coffee grounds. Fresh, hot grounds could harm the plants!

How Often Should I Put Coffee Grounds On My Hibiscus?

Determining how often to apply coffee grounds to your hibiscus is crucial for promoting healthy growth without risking overfertilization.

Though it’s quite challenging to over-fertilize with coffee grounds, limiting the application to a maximum of four times per year for garden-grown hibiscus is recommended.

For Garden Hibiscus:

Mix the coffee grounds thoroughly with the soil for the most effective nutrient integration. However, a light sprinkling on the soil’s surface can also suffice if you’re short on time. This method slowly releases nutrients as the grounds decompose.

For Potted Hibiscus:

Incorporate dried coffee grounds into your potting mix. A modest amount, about 5-10 grams, is sufficient to enrich the soil with essential nutrients for approximately six months. Ideally, supplement your potted hibiscus with this nutrient boost once in the summer and once in the spring.

When repotting, blend about 30 grams of coffee grounds into every 5 lbs of potting soil. This ensures your hibiscus has a nutrient-rich environment right from the start.

Timing and Additional Tips:

  • Seasonal Application: Applying coffee grounds once in the summer and once in the spring is generally adequate. However, ensure you do not exceed four applications within a year, as the grounds need time to fully decompose and integrate into the soil.
  • Enhance with Compost: For optimal results, consider mixing coffee grounds with manure or compost. Allow this mixture to decompose for about a month before incorporating it into the soil. This process enriches the compost and provides a more immediate nutrient boost to your hibiscus.
  • Experiment Wisely: While experimentation is part of gardening, begin with small amounts. The specific needs of each hibiscus can vary significantly due to numerous factors, including the plant’s age, the local climate, and soil conditions.


Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the best fertilizer for hibiscus?

The best fertilizer for hibiscus plants is a balanced fertilizer that contains nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. You can apply this type of fertilizer to your hibiscus plants every few weeks or so.

Can I use coffee grounds as mulch?

Yes, you can use coffee grounds as mulch. Coffee grounds can help to improve the drainage of soil and add organic matter to the soil. Coffee grounds can also help to keep weeds at bay for acid loving plants.

Is it bad to have coffee grounds in your garden?

No, it’s not bad to have coffee grounds in your garden. However, you should avoid using too much coffee grounds as this can make for some seriously acidic soil.

Final Thoughts

So there you have it, using coffee grounds for your hibiscus plant is incredibly beneficial, just remember not to go overboard with it, you don’t want too much fertilizer and don’t start pouring your morning coffee on it!

We hope you found this blog post helpful. Do you have any tips on how to use coffee grounds to fertilize hibiscus plants? Let us know in the comments below!

Happy gardening!

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